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Drive holiday sales
with advertising

Simple, affordable,
and available to all sellers

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Advertising helps you take your sales further

Whether you're new to selling your products through Amazon or have years of success, advertising can help you reach more shoppers and provide a new source for additional sales. It’s easy by design, and something you can take advantage of right now.

The holiday season is the perfect time to get started, since it brings the potential for a big boost in sales. Seize the opportunity: make sure your business is ready to get the most out of the season. The best part? It takes just 5 minutes (really!) and no advertising experience to set yourself up for long-term success.

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Why advertising matters during the holidays

  • Sales


    Amazon's search advertising products match your ads to customers looking for items to buy, bringing a new source of potential holiday sales to your products. Advertising this season could make your holiday sales the best yet.

  • Control


    Manage your advertising spend during the holiday season by setting your own campaign budget—as little as $10 a day—and deciding how much you want to bid on clicks. You'll only pay when a shopper clicks on your ad, so your costs are determined by conversions.

  • Growth


    Invest in the long-term potential of your business by advertising to reach new audiences and find more shoppers interested in buying your products during the busiest shopping season of the year.

  • Insight


    Our advertising products target the keywords shoppers are using to search on Learn how customers are finding your products and track the keywords that do the most for your business, including seasonal changes.

Log in to Seller Central to start advertising

If you’re a brand owner and you’re building a business, having 1.5 million chances to make an impression on someone is significant. The fact that I reached that many people—who may have not otherwise seen my products— is astounding!

— Janice, Amazon seller who began advertising in 2018

How advertising works for you

  • We know you're busy:

    We know you're busy: Especially during the holiday season. That’s why we’ve made it simple to start advertising. It takes just minutes to launch a campaign in Seller Central.

  • Advertised products stand out from the crowd:

    Advertised products stand out from the crowd: Our search ads appear in prominent placements, including above, below, and next to search results, as well as product detail pages. Shoppers who are browsing for gifts to buy will discover additional suggestions through our ads.

  • Advertising is easy to learn:

    Advertising is easy to learn: Our advertising products are meant for everyone to use, even if you don't have any advertising experience. Short videos in Seller Central provide how-to guidance.

  • You can track performance:

    You can track performance: Once your ads are running, you can use our clear, easy-to-read reports to monitor your return on investment. Continue to optimize and improve your campaigns throughout the season and into 2019.

Quick-start guide

Our on-Amazon return on ad spend is 2x-3x what we typically see with our off-Amazon marketing campaigns.

— Jason Baer, VP of Sales & Marketing

Your advertising options

  • Sponsored ads: keyword-targeted solutions that help you drive sales and bring attention to your brand

    Sponsored Products promote individual listings in search results and product detail pages. These ads target relevant keywords and reach shoppers when they're ready to buy. To be eligible, you must be a professional seller with the ability to ship to all US addresses and have products that are eligible for the Buy Box.

    If you are a brand owner enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry, you are also eligible for Sponsored Brands (formerly Headline Search Ads). These ads also appear in search results, with extra features that help promote your brand and overall product offerings. Sponsored Brands display your brand logo, three products, and a custom headline. They drive traffic to individual product detail pages as well as a landing page that displays your product selection.

  • Stores

    Brand owners can also use Stores, multipage brand-centric shopping destinations that act like your own digital storefront on They're free and require no website or design experience. Pre-built templates, drag-and-drop tiles, and dynamic widgets allow you to showcase your product offerings and tell a compelling story of your brand with images, video, and personalized recommendations for shoppers.

Boost your holiday season

Your needs, solved

Our interface is easy to use and filled with features that save you time, eliminate guesswork, and help you be more successful.

  • Need keyword help?

    Use automatic targeting and let Amazon match relevant customers to your products, or get keyword suggestions for your manual-targeted campaigns (where you pick your own keywords).

  • Need to make changes quickly and at scale?

    Instead of making changes (like updating bids or keywords) one by one in campaign manager, you can use the bulk operations feature to download a bulk file, make edits to campaigns, and then upload for processing.

  • Need bidding assistance?

    You can use our suggested bid feature to choose your bid for ad placements.

  • Need to understand campaign performance at a glance?

    Campaign manager provides you with a single view of your advertising campaigns, letting you easily see your total spend, total sales, and more.

Start advertising in minutes