Sell products with the Prime badge directly from your warehouse

Seller Fulfilled Prime is one of the two Prime fulfilment programmes offered by Amazon that allow sellers to make their products Prime eligible. Seller Fulfilled Prime differentiates from Fulfillment by Amazon in that it allows you to fulfil Prime orders directly from your own location, shipping with approved Prime carriers. Amazon gives you access to the right transportation solutions to help you meet the high bar for the Prime customer experience. We currently have two Prime carriers, Amazon Shipping and Royal Mail. Further information on your Prime carrier(s) will be available during the registration process.

Click here to download the Seller Fulfilled Prime brochure.

What are the benefits of Seller Fulfilled Prime?

Reach the most loyal Amazon customers with increased visibility for your products.

Boost sales to customers that filter specifically for Prime products.

Compete more effectively for the Buy Box.

Offer Guaranteed Delivery Date messaging to customers.

Benefit from Amazon's acclaimed 24x7 customer service for all post-order related issues.

Programme requirements

In order to maintain eligibility for Seller Fulfilled Prime, sellers must always meet the following performance requirements on their Seller Fulfilled Prime orders in the trailing 30 days:

• An On-Time Shipment Rate of at least 99%
• Use of Buy Shipping Services for at least 95%
• A Cancellation Rate of no more than 1%

Complete the Trial Period

Before enrolling in Seller Fulfilled Prime, you must complete a trial period to show that you are able to meet the requirements for Prime fulfilment excellence and customer satisfaction. The Prime badge will not be displayed on items enrolled in Seller Fulfilled Prime during the trial period. Once you successfully complete the trial period, you will automatically be enrolled in Seller Fulfilled Prime and your enrolled ASINs will display the Prime badge to customers.

To complete the trial, you need to ship a minimum of 50 Prime orders with 100% on time shipping. Shipping for trial orders must be purchased from your selected Prime carrier(s) in order to qualify as an eligible Prime trial order.

The trial period lasts between 5 and 90 days depending on when you satisfy the performance requirements. If you do not meet the above requirements within 90 days, the trial period will reset automatically and you can try again.

Start shipping
Prime trial orders
trial period:
from 5 to 90 days

Once you successfully complete the trial period, you will also be enrolled in the Seller Guaranteed Delivery Programme for Premium shipping options on all Prime offers. Learn more about the requirements for Seller Guaranteed Delivery.

Note: In order to display the Prime badge and Guaranteed Delivery date to customers, you must also maintain Premium Shipping eligibility.

Get Started

Registrations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.